Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Discussion Perspective Of Change Managementâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Talk About The Discussion Perspective Of Change Management? Answer: Presentation: The achievement of an organization or a business association relies upon an enormous number of angles. These angles will cover a wide number of issues which would not cover the activity the executives of the business. In this unique circumstance, we can refer to the case of ANZ as gave for the situation study. Alluding to the contextual analysis, it very well may be discovered that the thought of the center tasks of any organization gets auxiliary thought of significance. There are an enormous number of different things which is liable for the achievement of an organization. The genuine business sort of the organization would give off an impression of being of lesser significant angle which must be given any consideration for making its due progress and strength. It appears that different aspects of the organization like the association culture, the understudy al chain of importance framework and the working society are increasingly significant traits which must be treated with great ness. These are the perspectives that can assist the organization with bringing accomplishment in the long run(Aihi, 2011). This is the thing that has been refered to for the situation investigation of ANZ, one of the most presumed and significant money related organizations of the nation. The primary theme manages the part of progress the executives. The case neatly alludes to the different hierarchical changes that have been brought into the establishment of ANZ which helped the organization to carry accomplishment to the workers and the administration of the organization. The current conversation will be evaluative examination of the contextual analysis of ANZ and we will investigate the different angles and the characteristics that have been displayed by the case of the ANZ according to case study(Sohail, 2011). About the Case Study: The contextual investigation shows the portrayal of the head budgetary association of Australia and New Zealand ANZ. This is a financial establishment which is one of the most well known names of the cutting edge times. This is a foundation which has seen the intense occasions of the world financial crisis(Anz, 2016). Like the greater part of its different companions who had fallen as casualty to the cruel circumstance, ANZ has been an establishment which had performed well for itself and its partners, even in the most difficult occasions. The contextual analysis plainly uncovers the way that ANZ, being one of the head monetary organizations of the cutting edge time, is an organization which figured out how to make benefit in any event, during the time of the financial crunch which had hit the whole world before the finish of 2009(Brooks Cubero, 2012). In this unique circumstance, it is seen that this contextual investigation has considered the historical backdrop of the firm named A NZ. An investigate the past of the organization has happened to uncover the way that ANZ, despite the fact that, is one of the best banks of the current occasions, had not comparable reputation, in the previous years. This is a similar organization which was happened to be tormented by an enormous number of issues. The inward frameworks of the bank were disturbing with its interior issues and the impact of the equivalent could be seen on the whole business and its different possibilities. The circumstance uncovered that soon the administration of the bank acquired a few changes its administration and the initiative quality. With the presentation of the new CEO into the organization, a significant change has been started inside the inward levels of the company(Colombo, 2014). The contextual investigation is, indeed, a fine record of the progressions which had been brought into the bank of ANZ. The different advantages which were found into the bank not long after the progressions made us ignore the different systems and the plans which had been utilized for change the executives. The contextual analysis obviously uncovers the way that the organization culture and the authoritative inner settings are the absolute most significant angles which can bring the accomplishment for any organization. Anyway the whole plan isn't as straightforward as that. Truth be told in this unique situation, we see that an enormous number of contemplations are there. Every single one of them happens to be significant and requires a cautious consideration. To make reference to a couple to make an organization fruitful, the workers of the organization must get the perfect measure of preparing and should likewise be furnished with legitimate administration quality. Administration is something which must be maintained a strategic distance from for better supportable outcome. This is one of the highlights which can have negative effect on the way of life of the organization with the mind of the workers. The pioneers and the general workers both are significant for the organization, Hence an appropriate direction to the representatives is required which should be possible through normal direction. This additionally pulls in standard procedure of execution evaluation. Again the part of the corporate social duty plans happens to be significant for any organization. This is probably the most ideal courses through which the acknowledgment of the brand could be improved in the market. The cases investigation of ANZ is an extraordinary model which unmistakably demonstrates at the way that for proceeded with accomplishment of any organization, there are enormous quantities of things which must be considered for(Pressreader, 2009). Discoveries: The contextual investigation of ANZ is one which gives us an incredible understanding into the cutting edge effective corporate substances. From the outset, we see that each of the corporate or the business associations happens to concentrate on a solitary stream of business. This could be a business of assembling of items or administrations as center region of activity. In both the unique circumstance, we will feel that the achievement of the brand will rely upon the reality of how the business can be completed with their center business and how well would they be able to build up their center competency. Anyway a more critical glance at the contextual investigation of ANZ has refuted this idea as. It very well may be said from the given contextual investigation that the component of the focal business of the organization is one of the lesser significant viewpoints that can bring organization achievement in the advanced occasions. There is a tremendous assortment of angles which mus t be borne as a primary concern when any association needs to achieve achievement. Again it has been seen that change is one of the most significant angles which must be brought out in an organization if the organization needs to continue the opposition of the market and the market rivalry for longer span. Change is an angle which must come in the mentality of the organization its kin, the administration, the provider and the representatives. A component of progress can get certain newness an organization. Indeed, as specialists have given that a decent and creating organization or association will be one that would be continually assessing it so as to guarantee that it can concoct better thoughts for what's to come. This is presumably the main way which an organization can follow to advance and developing at all purposes of time. This is the main way that an organization can bring consistent advancement which is so significant for the organizations of the ongoing time frame so as to demonstrate manageability in the serious market. The current contextual analysis of ANZ is an eye opener. The case investigations numerous contemplations which are to be considered by the administration and furthermore the workers of the organization. Being acceptable at the center abilities of the organization as agreeable isn't right in this angle. In the current situation, it is seen that the component of the general organization mood and working for the improvement of the work culture with the inward foundation of the organization happens to be significantly more significant. The workers of the organization must be treated with a great deal of care and concern. The workers must be associated with the different operational procedure of the organization and they should be instructed to take more duties. In this specific situation, it is additionally seen that the pioneers of the organization can assume a vey significant job. The need of the circumstance is to prepare the regular workers alongside the improved degree of preparing for the pioneers and the supervisors for better liberation of their alloted occupations. After all it is the pioneers and the directors of the organization who are answerable for propelling and controlling general workers of the association, thus the pioneers and the supervisors of the organization happen to be progressively significant. The representatives are likewise significant as is the procedure of their steady survey. The procedure of execution evaluation can be instrumental to improve the inspiration and the focal point of the workers. Every one of these endeavors are assembled to contribute for improved activities and usefulness of the workers of the organization. This is a component that happens to be significant for the achievement of the organization. Again we see that the outer picture of the organization can be significant. Change in the picture of the organization can likewise be brought through the different open plans and corporate social exercises. These are the projects which can make an organization increasingly adequate to the network. Every one of these focuses meet up to improve the business possibilities of the organization as was establishing the setting of the ANZ. Suggestions: An examination of the considered contextual investigation uncovers the way that a difference in the CEO of the organization prompted countless changes inside the bank which had secured practically all the parts of the bank. This was a change which had brought expected degree of required advantages for the bank considering in general circumstance and it additionally won that the different changes which have been acquired the ANZ bank had helped the bank to restore the soul and the way of life of business activities and elements of the bank. The resultant effect of every one of these progressions had been reflected in the improvement of business figures of the organization. Anyway in the current status of the bank a few proposals are made which would help the bank towards demonstrating their supportability of business in since a long time ago race to battle the opposition in the market and to have stable situation with steady development of the matter of the organization through execut ions. Improved enrollment: In this setting it could be included that the improvement of th

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Pretend you dont see her Essay Example For Students

Imagine you dont see her Essay Mary Higgins Clark has conveyed to perusers the fifteenth of her smash hit suspensers. In thestarring job this time is Lacey Farrell, a major wheel realtor. Lacey sells extravagance apartment suites inNew York City and becomes companions with one of her customers, Isabelle Landi. Their conversationsare based on Isabelles little girl, who kicked the bucket a few years back in a fender bender; however,the mother is horrendously upset since she doesn't accept that it was a mishap. She isconvinced that the appropriate response lies in a diary that her little girl kept until she kicked the bucket. Because of hercuriosity, Isabelle is killed in her girls loft similarly as Lacey enters the front entryway. Assessment This tale was very elegantly composed and made them wonder who was behind the killings until the end. Mary Higgins Clark was truly adept at keeping this novel fascinating consistently so I needed to continue understanding it. The regions that I will assess are advancement of character, the improvement of tension, and the end. The character, Sandy Savarano, was mind boggling and was depicted well. The starting when he depicted the potential purchaser, Curtis Caldwell, was extremely sharp. He was not the slightest bit suspected to be a danger or destructive in any capacity. He at that point ended up being a very notable contract killer. Mary Higgins Clark made this character shrewd and made it so he could discover any person or thing he needed to. At that point, later in this novel he filled the role of an older man who should be Alices father. He got a great deal of data about Lacy from clueless companions and colleagues. In general, this character was one of my top picks s ince he was truly fascinating and you werent sure what he would do straightaway. The anticipation improvement was finished. In a few distinct minutes the anticipation continued for a few pages before something really occurred. For instance, in the section where Lacy went to converse with Mrs. Hoffman and Sandy was in her home. Clark put such a large number of expressive words in her composing that you could really envision what was happening. She went from the women hearing the means squeak, at that point ?they saw through the wooden rails in the steps his one all around finished shoe.? ? Lacys delicate and trembling hand got a handle on a paperweight the size of a baseball. She stood up, swung her arm back, and, as the professional killer she knew as Curtis Caldwell came into full view, tossed the paperweight with all the quality she could summon, at his chest.? He fell on the floor and dropped his firearm and the police came in to capture him before he could murder the ladies. Thi s occasion was only one of the numerous sensational minutes in this novel. The finish of this story was exceptionally unforeseen. I had no clue that Steve Abbott, a confided in partner of Jimmy Landis, was liable for the entirety of the killings and the horrendous experience that Lacy Farrell experienced. He was referenced all through the novel as a decent agent, a representative that everybody needed, and an appealing man that was never associated with any wrong-doing. This was a generally excellent decision to a very elegantly composed novel. In general, this novel was fascinating and flighty. It had the entirety of the significant components to make a story extraordinary, murder, secret, catastrophe, sentiment, and tension.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Mistakes to Avoid in E-Commerce

Mistakes to Avoid in E-Commerce Though it often seems simple to set up an online store and create a virtual business, there are several easy to make mistakes that many entrepreneurs fall prey to. © | Lucky BusinessIn this article we will look at 1) the importance of e-commerce design, 2) important considerations in e-commerce endeavors, and 3) mistakes to avoid.IMPORTANCE OF E-COMMERCE DESIGNE-commerce in Today’s WorldThe internet has provided a unique platform to communicate and do business with others. The online e-commerce experience provides speed, convenience and widespread access to products and buyers. All these aspects make it an important medium for both buyers and sellers.For these reasons, it is vital for any business to keep a focus on expanding its online business and make the best use of this option to expand and grow. For entrepreneurs and small business owners, it is especially vital because it offers a chance to do business with less overhead costs and investment.E-commerce Model BasicsE-commerce involves buying and selling on products and services through an electronic medium using an electronic payment system. Transactions can be busines s to business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C) or even Consumer to Consumer (C2C).Through online stores, customers can make purchases at any time during the day at their convenience. The website serves as a storefront with product displays, sales and promotions, order processing, payment and delivery. The experience is the same as a physical store except it is not bound by a specific time and there is less face to face interaction.As with physical stores, e-commerce merchants have the task of communicating with the customer to showcase their business and let the customer know what is being offered. There are several ways in which a merchant can market to a customer. Some of these methods include email, website banners, classified advertisements and blogs. It is vital for these businesses to build trust and strong relationships with clients, both potential and existing ones. This can be achieved through quality products, efficient service and dedicated customer care.E-commerce Model OptionsFor a company to achieve success in the world of e-commerce, there are several important factors to consider. The three basic pillars are:Brand Image: The company must ensure that nay e-commerce presence and activity is in keeping with the brand image of the business and its strategy.Align with Culture: Similar to the public facing brand, the company’s internal culture should also align with online presence. The company should conduct business in the online world the same way it does in the physical world.Align with Existing Channels: If the company does business already, any existing channels should be aligned with the online channels.Types of E-commerce SitesThere are several different ways in which e-commerce sites are structured and do business. Whatever the model selected, it needs to follow the above three considerations. In addition, there needs to be careful planning to ensure that the online experience is smooth and issue free.Some of these models are:Single Brand : A brand creates its unique online store and presence such as Louis Vuitton, Gap or Hermes.Marketplace: This is a virtual shopping mall where multiple brands and categories are available. Amazon, eBay, and are examples of marketplaces.Vertical Marketplace: This is a marketplace which focuses on a specific segment of products such as Zappos and Zalando for shoes and Toys R us.Community Marketplace: This is a type of marketplace built around a lifestyle, s shared mindset or goal. Etsy, Craigslist or SkullCandy are examples of this.Crossover Stores: These are stores that are brick and click which means stores that have a strong physical as well as online presence. These include stores such as Target, Walmart, Crate and Barrel, and Barnes and Noble.Social Commerce: Often, e-commerce retailers set up a shop on Facebook or run promotional campaigns through different social media outlets.IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS IN E-COMMERCE ENDEAVORSIt is a common misconception that setting up an online business is a simple task and leads to quick results. This is not the case. The real challenge is to create the right website that highlights the product, identifies a need to meet and pulls in the right audience. The second challenge is to ensure that all logistical and fulfillment issues are anticipated and planned for. There are four basic things that every entrepreneur needs to consider before setting up an e-commerce site.Turn Your Idea Into A Niche: Chances are that most great ideas have been thought about by others as well. Rather than attempt to enter a competitive or saturated market, it is a good idea to consider if the idea can be converted to serve a niche market. This makes it easier to differentiate and stand out from the crowd.Test Your Idea: Sometimes, before launching on a bigger scale with more inventory and setup costs, it is a good idea to do a test run. A good way of doing this is to setup a blog and try to generate traffic and interest. This will h elp gauge customer reaction and demand, as well as help through teething issues associated with selling a particular product.Understand Search Engine Optimization: For e-commerce sites, SEO can make the difference between high traffic and very few site visitors. A bulk of visitors to the site are driven through search engines and for this there needs to be an understanding and correct usage of SEO techniques and tactics. There is a right way of using SEO which will lead to interested and returning customers and a wrong way which will lead to search engine oblivion. A good SEO program should:     Create content that is linkable     Write guest posts for other relevant blogs to direct traffic to your site     Become active in relevant forums to keep updated in your area as well as to get links from your posts.Research the Right Platform for Your Business: These days, most people can learn to setup their own shop without the help of developers or a lot of monetary investment. With some time and patience, the chosen system can be learned easily. There are many choices available however and the decision to place products for sale through one of these needs to be made very carefully. Migrating to a new one can be a difficult task so choosing the right one to begin with becomes extremely vital.MISTAKES TO AVOIDBusiness MistakesAlthough it appears that online selling is now an established phenomenon, the business model is still in the process of refinement. Everything about an online store is not the same as that of a physical store and these differences need to be understood and addressed carefully. Some common mistakes made by e-commerce store owners include:Treating An Online Store The Same As A Physical Store: If an e-commerce site is an addition to a physical store, it is important to build this new store from the ground up and not merely make an attempt to replicate it as-is from the existing store. Often, popular items sold in store will be different from items that become popular online. There are also different methods and techniques to attract and retain customers and convert to sales.Not Giving Customer Service its Due Importance: Given the detached nature of an online store, it becomes absolutely necessary to create excellent, reliable and effective customer service to help customers out in case of a problem or a confusion. This allows the business to add a personal touch to the online operation.Remaining Anonymous: Rather than buy from a faceless store, customers who shop online often want to be able to see who is running the business. This personal story and a face allow the customers to relate to a store or its products and this in turn fosters loyalty and possibly return customers.Complicated Checkout Processes: Vital to the online experience is the shopping cart or checkout process. There needs to be an easy way for people to complete their purchase with multiple payment options and fewer steps.Confused Product Mix: Since there are seldom space constraints in an online store, a store owner may be tempted to offer a varied and complicated mix of products. Instead of focusing on too many things, it is a better idea to build value within a niche category.Lack of Strong Website Content: Though there may be a tendency to think that the product speaks for itself, this is a misconception. A well written product description may be what directs a customer to the website and what convinces them to actually buy. Every word counts and often it may be a good idea to hire a professional to develop sound, SEO strong content for the website.Stagnant Products or Content: Once a website has been developed, it needs constant attention and cannot be ignored. New items need to be added, out of stock things need to be removed and special holiday sales and promotions required to keep the content relevant. An accompanying blog that features related posts is a good way of keeping the website interesting and alive.Lack of Marketing : Beyond a good website and SEO, a site owner will need to focus on the right marketing and promotion tools to reach the right audience at the right time. This needs to be an ongoing activity because lots of traffic to the site will be meaningless unless it is the intended audience.Inefficient Delivery and Fulfillment: A key aspect of e-commerce is the fulfillment. It is not as simple as putting an item in a box and sending it on. Instead, every aspect from the packaging, insurance, mode of transport and delivery time need to be taken into account. Customers expect the shortest possible delivery times and reliable service and this process needs to be fine-tuned to avoid dissatisfied customers. Common Small Business MistakesWith small businesses, there is the possibility that the business owner is attempting to fill most of the roles themselves. In this case, there is often a chance for certain mistakes to be made. Some of these include:Poor Website Design: A business owner may not b e well versed in website design and as a result a poorly designed website may mean a lack of sales and traffic.Lack of Contact Information: There is a tendency for small businesses to leave off contact information. This is a grave mistake and may put off many would-be customers.Lack of Metrics: There may be less time for a business owner to focus on metrics for their business and the website. This means that the owner will not be able to measure performance and understand customer needs and trends.Poor SEO: Often, search engine optimization may not be focused on as much as is needed. Or the website may not be update as regularly as needed to keep it relevant during searches.Lack of Social Media Linkage: In the current internet age, linking e-commerce sites to related social media presence is a vital component of the business model. Successful site owners build up a presence and personality through social media and use this to drive traffic to their stores.Lack of Mobile Optimization : Increasingly, a large number of people are using smartphones to log onto the internet. This is why it becomes necessary to ensure that the website is optimized for viewing on a handheld device such as a phone or a tablet.Lack of IT Support: A site owner may not be a tech savvy person and this means that when it comes to bugs, errors and security threats, the website may be vulnerable and exposed. Website Design MistakesThere are some common website design mistakes that many businesses make. These mistakes are not exclusive to small businesses but are often seen in bigger stores as well. Seemingly obvious, these mistakes can cost a business and cause lost revenue.Design Layout to Encourage Further Shopping: In a bricks-and-mortar store, there is significant cost associated with construction. As a result, there is more attention paid to layout and design than in an online store. This is a costly mistake. In a physical grocery store for example, there are small items placed at or nea r checkout that are often added to purchases ensuring that a customer buys more than they intended. The importance is store layout is highlighted by this aspect and can be remedied by understanding customer buying behavior and interests. Related items and ‘things you may like’ are a good way of achieving this.Complicated Checkout: It is, unfortunately, fairly common for online stores to make customers go through long and complicated steps to complete their order once items have been added to the cart. If a customer is showing a serious intent to purchase, the rest of the process should be as smooth as possible to make the experience painless and enjoyable. Multiple payment options are also necessary to facilitate customers.Required Registration: Relating to the checkout issue, online stores often force people to sign up for an account before they can complete their order. From a customer’s perspective, this is another complication in the way of order placement. The business sh ould prioritize the customer and sale over recording customer information. A solution is to offer the customer an option to save their information to help other future purchases go smoothly and efficiently.Too Much Focus on Conversion Rates: Though an important indicator of success, businesses often make the mistake of overlooking wider implications for the financial health of the store in a bid to increase conversion rates. Average order value is another important metric that can help assess conversion rate and any attempt to tweak should result in optimization for both of these areas.Poorly Designed Site Search Function: Often, a customer may be after a specific item and would like to speed up the process by searching for it directly through a search bar. This is why a functioning search engine with filters is a necessary feature for a website. Along with filters, there should be options to refine and sort results according to criteria such as newest, priced low to high, priced hi gh to low or popular items.Inadequate Images: Product images are a key characteristic of any online store. Since customers cannot experience the product, they need to be able to clearly see it in a well taken photo. They should also have the option of viewing from different angles, zooming in to specific areas and possibly see the item in use in photos.Incomplete Shipping Information: All shipping costs should be communicated to the customer at the time of purchase and checkout. There should be no hidden costs or costs to be communicated at a later time. If there is uncertainty, then a flat rate can be applied that covers any changes to the cost.Missing Store Policies: Any shipping policies, return and exchange policies or frequently asked questions should be mentioned clearly and in detail to avoid any confusion.

Mistakes to Avoid in E-Commerce

Mistakes to Avoid in E-Commerce Though it often seems simple to set up an online store and create a virtual business, there are several easy to make mistakes that many entrepreneurs fall prey to. © | Lucky BusinessIn this article we will look at 1) the importance of e-commerce design, 2) important considerations in e-commerce endeavors, and 3) mistakes to avoid.IMPORTANCE OF E-COMMERCE DESIGNE-commerce in Today’s WorldThe internet has provided a unique platform to communicate and do business with others. The online e-commerce experience provides speed, convenience and widespread access to products and buyers. All these aspects make it an important medium for both buyers and sellers.For these reasons, it is vital for any business to keep a focus on expanding its online business and make the best use of this option to expand and grow. For entrepreneurs and small business owners, it is especially vital because it offers a chance to do business with less overhead costs and investment.E-commerce Model BasicsE-commerce involves buying and selling on products and services through an electronic medium using an electronic payment system. Transactions can be busines s to business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C) or even Consumer to Consumer (C2C).Through online stores, customers can make purchases at any time during the day at their convenience. The website serves as a storefront with product displays, sales and promotions, order processing, payment and delivery. The experience is the same as a physical store except it is not bound by a specific time and there is less face to face interaction.As with physical stores, e-commerce merchants have the task of communicating with the customer to showcase their business and let the customer know what is being offered. There are several ways in which a merchant can market to a customer. Some of these methods include email, website banners, classified advertisements and blogs. It is vital for these businesses to build trust and strong relationships with clients, both potential and existing ones. This can be achieved through quality products, efficient service and dedicated customer care.E-commerce Model OptionsFor a company to achieve success in the world of e-commerce, there are several important factors to consider. The three basic pillars are:Brand Image: The company must ensure that nay e-commerce presence and activity is in keeping with the brand image of the business and its strategy.Align with Culture: Similar to the public facing brand, the company’s internal culture should also align with online presence. The company should conduct business in the online world the same way it does in the physical world.Align with Existing Channels: If the company does business already, any existing channels should be aligned with the online channels.Types of E-commerce SitesThere are several different ways in which e-commerce sites are structured and do business. Whatever the model selected, it needs to follow the above three considerations. In addition, there needs to be careful planning to ensure that the online experience is smooth and issue free.Some of these models are:Single Brand : A brand creates its unique online store and presence such as Louis Vuitton, Gap or Hermes.Marketplace: This is a virtual shopping mall where multiple brands and categories are available. Amazon, eBay, and are examples of marketplaces.Vertical Marketplace: This is a marketplace which focuses on a specific segment of products such as Zappos and Zalando for shoes and Toys R us.Community Marketplace: This is a type of marketplace built around a lifestyle, s shared mindset or goal. Etsy, Craigslist or SkullCandy are examples of this.Crossover Stores: These are stores that are brick and click which means stores that have a strong physical as well as online presence. These include stores such as Target, Walmart, Crate and Barrel, and Barnes and Noble.Social Commerce: Often, e-commerce retailers set up a shop on Facebook or run promotional campaigns through different social media outlets.IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS IN E-COMMERCE ENDEAVORSIt is a common misconception that setting up an online business is a simple task and leads to quick results. This is not the case. The real challenge is to create the right website that highlights the product, identifies a need to meet and pulls in the right audience. The second challenge is to ensure that all logistical and fulfillment issues are anticipated and planned for. There are four basic things that every entrepreneur needs to consider before setting up an e-commerce site.Turn Your Idea Into A Niche: Chances are that most great ideas have been thought about by others as well. Rather than attempt to enter a competitive or saturated market, it is a good idea to consider if the idea can be converted to serve a niche market. This makes it easier to differentiate and stand out from the crowd.Test Your Idea: Sometimes, before launching on a bigger scale with more inventory and setup costs, it is a good idea to do a test run. A good way of doing this is to setup a blog and try to generate traffic and interest. This will h elp gauge customer reaction and demand, as well as help through teething issues associated with selling a particular product.Understand Search Engine Optimization: For e-commerce sites, SEO can make the difference between high traffic and very few site visitors. A bulk of visitors to the site are driven through search engines and for this there needs to be an understanding and correct usage of SEO techniques and tactics. There is a right way of using SEO which will lead to interested and returning customers and a wrong way which will lead to search engine oblivion. A good SEO program should:     Create content that is linkable     Write guest posts for other relevant blogs to direct traffic to your site     Become active in relevant forums to keep updated in your area as well as to get links from your posts.Research the Right Platform for Your Business: These days, most people can learn to setup their own shop without the help of developers or a lot of monetary investment. With some time and patience, the chosen system can be learned easily. There are many choices available however and the decision to place products for sale through one of these needs to be made very carefully. Migrating to a new one can be a difficult task so choosing the right one to begin with becomes extremely vital.MISTAKES TO AVOIDBusiness MistakesAlthough it appears that online selling is now an established phenomenon, the business model is still in the process of refinement. Everything about an online store is not the same as that of a physical store and these differences need to be understood and addressed carefully. Some common mistakes made by e-commerce store owners include:Treating An Online Store The Same As A Physical Store: If an e-commerce site is an addition to a physical store, it is important to build this new store from the ground up and not merely make an attempt to replicate it as-is from the existing store. Often, popular items sold in store will be different from items that become popular online. There are also different methods and techniques to attract and retain customers and convert to sales.Not Giving Customer Service its Due Importance: Given the detached nature of an online store, it becomes absolutely necessary to create excellent, reliable and effective customer service to help customers out in case of a problem or a confusion. This allows the business to add a personal touch to the online operation.Remaining Anonymous: Rather than buy from a faceless store, customers who shop online often want to be able to see who is running the business. This personal story and a face allow the customers to relate to a store or its products and this in turn fosters loyalty and possibly return customers.Complicated Checkout Processes: Vital to the online experience is the shopping cart or checkout process. There needs to be an easy way for people to complete their purchase with multiple payment options and fewer steps.Confused Product Mix: Since there are seldom space constraints in an online store, a store owner may be tempted to offer a varied and complicated mix of products. Instead of focusing on too many things, it is a better idea to build value within a niche category.Lack of Strong Website Content: Though there may be a tendency to think that the product speaks for itself, this is a misconception. A well written product description may be what directs a customer to the website and what convinces them to actually buy. Every word counts and often it may be a good idea to hire a professional to develop sound, SEO strong content for the website.Stagnant Products or Content: Once a website has been developed, it needs constant attention and cannot be ignored. New items need to be added, out of stock things need to be removed and special holiday sales and promotions required to keep the content relevant. An accompanying blog that features related posts is a good way of keeping the website interesting and alive.Lack of Marketing : Beyond a good website and SEO, a site owner will need to focus on the right marketing and promotion tools to reach the right audience at the right time. This needs to be an ongoing activity because lots of traffic to the site will be meaningless unless it is the intended audience.Inefficient Delivery and Fulfillment: A key aspect of e-commerce is the fulfillment. It is not as simple as putting an item in a box and sending it on. Instead, every aspect from the packaging, insurance, mode of transport and delivery time need to be taken into account. Customers expect the shortest possible delivery times and reliable service and this process needs to be fine-tuned to avoid dissatisfied customers. Common Small Business MistakesWith small businesses, there is the possibility that the business owner is attempting to fill most of the roles themselves. In this case, there is often a chance for certain mistakes to be made. Some of these include:Poor Website Design: A business owner may not b e well versed in website design and as a result a poorly designed website may mean a lack of sales and traffic.Lack of Contact Information: There is a tendency for small businesses to leave off contact information. This is a grave mistake and may put off many would-be customers.Lack of Metrics: There may be less time for a business owner to focus on metrics for their business and the website. This means that the owner will not be able to measure performance and understand customer needs and trends.Poor SEO: Often, search engine optimization may not be focused on as much as is needed. Or the website may not be update as regularly as needed to keep it relevant during searches.Lack of Social Media Linkage: In the current internet age, linking e-commerce sites to related social media presence is a vital component of the business model. Successful site owners build up a presence and personality through social media and use this to drive traffic to their stores.Lack of Mobile Optimization : Increasingly, a large number of people are using smartphones to log onto the internet. This is why it becomes necessary to ensure that the website is optimized for viewing on a handheld device such as a phone or a tablet.Lack of IT Support: A site owner may not be a tech savvy person and this means that when it comes to bugs, errors and security threats, the website may be vulnerable and exposed. Website Design MistakesThere are some common website design mistakes that many businesses make. These mistakes are not exclusive to small businesses but are often seen in bigger stores as well. Seemingly obvious, these mistakes can cost a business and cause lost revenue.Design Layout to Encourage Further Shopping: In a bricks-and-mortar store, there is significant cost associated with construction. As a result, there is more attention paid to layout and design than in an online store. This is a costly mistake. In a physical grocery store for example, there are small items placed at or nea r checkout that are often added to purchases ensuring that a customer buys more than they intended. The importance is store layout is highlighted by this aspect and can be remedied by understanding customer buying behavior and interests. Related items and ‘things you may like’ are a good way of achieving this.Complicated Checkout: It is, unfortunately, fairly common for online stores to make customers go through long and complicated steps to complete their order once items have been added to the cart. If a customer is showing a serious intent to purchase, the rest of the process should be as smooth as possible to make the experience painless and enjoyable. Multiple payment options are also necessary to facilitate customers.Required Registration: Relating to the checkout issue, online stores often force people to sign up for an account before they can complete their order. From a customer’s perspective, this is another complication in the way of order placement. The business sh ould prioritize the customer and sale over recording customer information. A solution is to offer the customer an option to save their information to help other future purchases go smoothly and efficiently.Too Much Focus on Conversion Rates: Though an important indicator of success, businesses often make the mistake of overlooking wider implications for the financial health of the store in a bid to increase conversion rates. Average order value is another important metric that can help assess conversion rate and any attempt to tweak should result in optimization for both of these areas.Poorly Designed Site Search Function: Often, a customer may be after a specific item and would like to speed up the process by searching for it directly through a search bar. This is why a functioning search engine with filters is a necessary feature for a website. Along with filters, there should be options to refine and sort results according to criteria such as newest, priced low to high, priced hi gh to low or popular items.Inadequate Images: Product images are a key characteristic of any online store. Since customers cannot experience the product, they need to be able to clearly see it in a well taken photo. They should also have the option of viewing from different angles, zooming in to specific areas and possibly see the item in use in photos.Incomplete Shipping Information: All shipping costs should be communicated to the customer at the time of purchase and checkout. There should be no hidden costs or costs to be communicated at a later time. If there is uncertainty, then a flat rate can be applied that covers any changes to the cost.Missing Store Policies: Any shipping policies, return and exchange policies or frequently asked questions should be mentioned clearly and in detail to avoid any confusion.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Law Of Business Organisations Essay - 1535 Words

LAW302 – Law of Business Organisations Essay Jade Chapman Student Number: 4667426 Introduction Corporate legal identity is one of today’s most common issues when dealing with companies. The extent to which the courts will allow the protection of a company’s directors and member under the principal of a separate legal entity varies by case. The term lifting or piercing the corporate veil implies that the limited liability protection of the company’s members and directors is lifted, to the extent that the courts disregard the actions of a company’s shareholders and believe that the actions of the company are actually those of the shareholder. The courts may also lift the corporate veil when requested by the shareholders or the company†¦show more content†¦Today, many larger companies have complex corporate structures in order to lower the legal liability risk within their different entities. This occurs when a holding company owns and operates many wholly owned subsidiaries. Each of the subsidiary companies are considered a separate legal per son, with its own board of directors responsible for managing the operations of the company. As long as the members of each company, whether a subsidiary or holding company act in the best interest of the company there is no reason why corporations cannot act in this way. However, due to the number of corporations that operate this way many complications arose, if the subsidiary company fails the holding company will only face limited liability and their debt will only be limited to the amount of any unpaid shares held by the holding company. This then made the courts consider that the debts of a holding company are those of the subsidiary and the holding company may be liable for the debts of the subsidiary, and therefore it is necessary to lift the corporate veil. Lifting the Corporate Veil The circumstances as to when the courts will consider lifting the corporate veil are quite vague and it is granted based on facts and circumstances of each individual case. When the courts seek to lift the corporate it essentially takes away the separate legal entity doctrine which was first represented in Salomon vShow MoreRelatedThe Australian Workplace Is A Evolving Environment1483 Words   |  6 Pagesbeliefs, political views, gender, race and economic status. Based on this view, it is important that organisation managers are able to implement strategies of workplace diversity management, which are suitable for their organisation. For the efficient and fluid function of the workplace, human resource managers need to overlook areas such as communication, employee resilience and change. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Ethnicity and Religion Quiz - 778 Words

ETH 125: Quiz 4 *Ethnicity and Religion* **Please highlight the correct answer. Once completed, save and rename the file with your first name and then upload to the Assignment tab which is due next Sunday.** The following materials are based on Schaefer’s Chapter 5: Ethnicity and Religion 1. The largest ancestral group of European Americans is a. French. b. Irish. c. German. d. Norwegian. 2. Which of the following groups has always been considered White by the English? a. Italians. b. Germans. c. Swedes. d. none of these 3. The principle of third-generation interest states that a. the grandchildren of the original immigrants would have an†¦show more content†¦Which of the following is an example of respectable bigotry? a. Pollock jokes. b. TV shows that depict Italians as members of organized crime. c. The stereotype that most Irish are alcoholics. d. all of these 14. The concept respectable bigotry refers to a. poor Whites’ hostility toward African Americans. b. African American and Puerto Rican hostility toward one another. c. prejudice against White ethnics. d. the government’s attitudes towardShow MoreRelatedEssay about Eth/125 Week 4 Quiz 21445 Words   |  6 PagesUniversity of Phoenix Material Quiz 2 Week 4 Quiz - Ch. 5 Schaefer (2012) This is a multiple choice/short answer quiz and each item is worth 1.5 points for a total of 60 points. There is only one correct response for each numbered item, and you should use Schaefer (2012) to determine the best response. For multiple choice questions, type the letter of the correct answer next to the corresponding question number on the answer sheet. For short answer responses, type your answer next to theRead MoreThe Election Of 2016, By Milton Friedman, Joseph Stalin, And Mahatma Gandhi1378 Words   |  6 Pagesmyself and political views. On the first quiz, which was the political compass, the results stated that I am more of a Liberal leftist. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Life of Jesus Christ Free Essays

The Life of Jesus Christ The birth of Jesus Christ to the Virgin Mary is said to have happened in a humble stable in Bethlehem, which is of some controversy. There is belief that the Christian Monks miscalculated the actual time and date that Jesus was born. It has been stated that Jesus, born in Bethlehem as told in the Old Testament, could have been born in or near Nazareth in the town of Galilee. We will write a custom essay sample on The Life of Jesus Christ or any similar topic only for you Order Now With that, some scholars have dated Jesus’ lineage back as far as Adam, the son of God, as well as King David and Abraham from the Old Testament. With the birth of Jesus, nothing else is told about his childhood until he reached the age of twelve. It is said that he found himself lost from his parent during Passover in Jerusalem, when found by his parents; Jesus was in the Temple discussing the Torah with the rabbis. The rabbis were astonished in Jesus’ comprehension of the Torah and the answer he had provided them to their questions. There is little said about Jesus’ climb to manhood, he is about thirty when it is told about his Baptism by John in the Jordan River for his preparation for the Kingdom of God. After the Baptism, Jesus then began to gather his first disciples, having them leave their processions and human attachment to follow him. Jesus taught that the spiritual treasures were far more fulfilling than the material riches of the earth, that prayer to God for help will hem them find what they seek. Jesus’, Or the Messiah as he was called by his disciples, began performing miracles in his travels such as; turning water into wine, healing the sick, resurrecting the dead and the widely know, walking on water. Jesus taught that everything was possible with God and that god was forgiving to those who are willing to repent their sins. In Jesus’ travels he finds himself back to Jerusalem, the place where Jesus knows will bring about his end, but continues. Jesus is then put on trial and Crucified on the hill called Golgotha, also know as the Place of the Skulls. It is at the Crucifixion that Jesus’ disciples became fearful and took to hiding till the word of Jesus’ Resurrection. The resurrection was seen as a victory for Jesus, making his followers believe that he was God sent down into human form to guide them to the Kingdom of God. The Life of Muhammad Muhammad, unlike Jesus, was a prophet that was sent out by Gods angels to spread his word. Mohammad’s mother and father passed away when he was very young and was taken care of by his protective uncle. Muhammad had been noticed by a Christian Monk that identified the marks on his body as that of a prophet. When Muhammad reached the age of twenty three, a woman named Khadijah offered to marry him and became his biggest supporter as he began his teaching of Allah. It is said that angels in human form would come to Muhammad giving him the word of god, which at first, Muhammad was opposed to accepting. The teachings that Muhammad was told to preach publicly, were rejected by the Qurayshites at Ka’bah, and Muhammad was ridiculed and stoned for preaching these beliefs. It is said that after this public preaching, Muhammad and his followers were banished for three years to a desolate place to struggle for their survival. At the age of fifty, also know as his â€Å"Year of Sorrows†, Muhammad lost his beloved wife and protective uncle. With his strongest backers gone, the persecutions increased when he returned to Mecca, thus causing him to accept an invitation to Yathrib to assist in solving their social and political problems. This movement caused the Meccans to feel threatened by Muhammad, causing the Meccans to wage war against Yathrib or al-Medina. After several battles, Muhammad was able to negotiate a truce between the two cities. In 630 ce, Mohammad returned to Mecca, with a following so great that the Meccans did not fight and began to accepted Muhammad as a prophet. Muhammad, using Qur’anic revelations, emphasized that the traditions of Abraham are the religious unities of Jews, Christian and Muslim belief systems. With Mecca reclaimed, Medina was kept as the political and spiritual base of Islam, allowing campaigns to spread the faith to Africa and Persia. The Death of Jesus Christ After the Crucifixion of Jesus, many that followed him became fearful and hid from the Jews, spending that time in hiding mourning instead of continuing Jesus’ preaching’s. His death was thought to be the end of the religion as had happened to numerous other messianic religious cults. With his death, the belief that Jesus was God in human form was crushed till his resurrection from his tomb. The Death of Muhammad Muhammad’s death had little impact on Islamic religion because he was and still is considered just a man. There was no thought that Muhammad was anything more than a man that was a servant to God, helping spread God will to those around him. The humble life that Muhammad led is what allowed the continued strength of the religion, the non discriminatory way about him is was every Muslim strives to be. Muhammad may not have been God, or a Messiah, but the way in which he led his life is still a very important part of how the Muslim religion works. Good Muslins try to live in the footsteps of Muhammad as though he was just man as they are, instead of a God. The Worshipping of Jesus Worshippers of Jesus believed that he was the Messiah and Savior for humanity, even though Jesus himself refused to be considered in that way. Communion, the sharing of bread and wine, and Hymns are just a few way that Jesus has been worshipped. The Mass is a gathering of Christians to, in prayer and preaching, remembering Jesus Christ and all the suffering he did for the good of humanity, and then is praised with music and hymns. The sharing of the bread and wine are for the remembrance of Jesus, the bread a sign of his body and the wine of his blood, the comer is thought to bring Jesus in them. The cross, from which Jesus was crucified from, is the centerpiece of the Christian faith as a reminder that Jesus had sacrificed himself for the good of humanity. The Death of Muhammad Mohammad’s followers would have done anything and everything for him, if Muhammad would have let them. Worshippers of Muhammad were told that worshipping him would discrimination, God would not was his servants to consider themselves as superior to another. It wasn’t till after Muhammad’s death that he was worshipped for the way that he led his life, which true Muslims try to model their own lives. Muslims now face Mecca for their daily prayers on the urging of Muhammad, and remember the trial and tribulations he endured for God. Christianity Today In modern day Christianity, many different views of the bible have formed as well as doctrines. These four doctrines would be; the Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant and other Catholics, and Restorationists , all having a slightly different version of worship. In some aspects, Christianity has taken on some of the Muslim belief as far as discrimination. The cross is still a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity, and there is now a place for a Christian to confess their sins for forgiveness. Aspects of Christianity have had to do a certain amount of changes to conform away from the skepticism today. Islam Today The Muslim religion today, minus a few setbacks early on, still holds true to the teachings of Muhammad. The changes in the Muslim culture have set on some changes to help those less fortunate, to help increase the right of equality and kindness. The Qur’an is still used as the Muslim scriptures and adhered to as it was when Muhammad taught them. Islam has rejected Christianity as a brothering religion and women are returning to being veiled in public. References all information came from Fisher, M. P. (2005). Living Religions (6th ed. ). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc. How to cite The Life of Jesus Christ, Essays

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

LLP business model free essay sample

Business Model 3y Trevor Barrows I Executive Summary A or third-party logistics provider iS defined as a company that provides logistics services for its clients and customers, where as a 4PL or fourth-party logistics provider is defined as a company that provides logistics services that manages a group of logistics providers that perform 3PL operations, including value add services. Driven by supply chain forces 3PLS are consolidating into 4PL service providers more commonly called Lead Logistics Provider (LLP). Given increasing pressures for speed, flexibility and global reach, the LLP role provides greater functional ntegratlon, and assumes more operational responsibility. Increasingly compames must collaborate in engaging an enterprise logistics system that Integrates to manufacturing. enterprise- requirements planning. and warehouse management systems to optimise the entire supply chain. not just transportation, for imprwed supply chain performance and cornpetit. ve advantage. To gain the speed and global reach of todays supply chain, it is necessary to create ew ways to source capabilities. We will write a custom essay sample on LLP business model or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is necessary to collaborate rather than purchase. It is necessary to share authority rather than direct outcomes. It is necessary to integrate the supply chain functions more broadly, To do this requires know-ho. and resources beyond the capabilities of a single organisation(s). Trevor 3arrows has found that assisting companies in creating a distinct LLP organisation is a path to greater competitive advantage. A LLP organisation brings focus to the supply chain in which all parties share sourcing because the successful LLP organisation is founded On principles of shared risk and shared reward. The scope Of todays business requires greater functional integration Of the supply chain. This integration iS critical to achieving speed, precisely described service and optimal It iS no longer sufficient to Outsource discrete functions. Each Of the disciplines Of the supply chain must be evaluated If one Of the disciplines is not best of breed, then a way must be found to align, source, acquire or venture with a best of breed capability. After all, a supply chain Is only as strong as its weakest link. Then, having established well defined objectives and associated metrics, gives the LLP entity the authority to act. In developing LLP capability better enables member entitles to: o Develop agile supply chain practices o Collaborate in Factory Gate Pricing Initiatives with major distribution channels o Provide track and trace audits tor legislation conformance such as o Compliance with future customer supply chain requirements such as Serial Shipping Container Codes (SSCC) and RFID Tagging o Address growing demand for customer sustainability strategies for shared orporate social responsibility (CSR) and legislation regarding greenhouse gas emissions o Leverage overall supply chain assets in reducing cost and improving customer service In summary tnere nas Deen mucn aeoate In Industry aoout tne lack of logistics innovation. By industry and companies collaborating in LLP business models leverages the optimal utilisation of existing logistics assets into cohesive demand driven supply chains. Trevor Barrows February 2009 2 LLP Model 2. 3PL Outsourcing benefits, Issues and Success Factors Outsourcing c an be defined as converting core activities from cost centres into profit entres, the benefits, issues and success factors for which consider the following: Benefits: Rationalisation and reduction in assets Cost reduction from better use of assets An improved management focus on core competencies Improved working practices Improved control systems Economies of scale providing lower overheads Customer service improvement Issues: Make decisions from not identifying and balancing all issues Scope and responsibility 0T 3PL not correctly aeTlnea Poor construction of contracts Unstructured pricing mechanism High tender pricing due to ignorance of customer market No clearly defined KPIs or realistic KPIs Failure to establish working relationship with all parties Lack of communication Loss of key staff in new arrangements Failure to address HR union issues Success factors: o Ensure all overhead costs are considered o Ensure contract has mutual benefits for all parties o Establish correct pricing mechanism o Specify all tasks and responsibilities of all parties o Handle HR and union with care and attain early buy in o Embrace staff o Establish and agree mutual KPIs o Ensure all parties share in the risk and reward equally 2. Core Competency and Capability in Outsourcing Core competency can be defined as the combination of individual technologies and supply chain skills that underlie a companys myriad of supply chain processes, including production and logistics. Capability can be defined as a companys time to market in delivery of the value derived from its core competencies. Competency and capability represent two different but complimentary dimensions of emerging corporate business strategies that should be considered. Both concepts emphasise behavioural aspects of business strategy in contrast to traditional tructural models. However where as core competency emphasises technology and SCM processes at points along the value chain, capabilities are more broadly based encompassing the entire supply chain, including outsourcing partners. In this respect capabilities can be achieved by ensuring core competencies are maintained or improved upon. 2 Core logistics supply chain competency improvements that are discussed in associated white papers are as follows: Deman Planning Transportation Planning including: o Multi-modal transportation order aggregation, splitting and pooling (cross docking) o Load Optimisation Advanced Warehouse Management including: o Voice Picking o Radio Frequency Tag Devices The basic principle is gaining competitive advantage via improved capabilities that should consider the following: The building blocks of corporate strategy are not products markets but business processes Competitive success depends on transforming key business processes into strategic capabilities that consistently provide value to the end customer A company(s) should create these capabilities by making strategic investments in a Lead Logistics Player (LLP) support infrastructure that links together and transcends Strategic Business Unit (SBU) functions The capabilities put in place should be cross functional, the champion of a capabilities based strategy being the CEO. By developing core competency and investing in a LLP capabilities infrastructure will enable improvements in market scalability and flexibility as follows: o Speed Consistency Anticipation Agility Innovation ability to respond quickly to market demand ability to meet customer expectations ability to predict the competitive environment ability to adapt to changing business processes ability to create new ideas and hence ongoing value . 3 Lead Logistics Player (LLP) Business Model A Lead Logistics Player (LLP) may be defined as an organization that manages a full scope 0T loglstlcs servlces Tor a company Dy aggregating ana coorolnatlng tne services of multiple logistics service providers. The LLP serves as the single point of contact between its client(s) and the array of logistics and information service providers executing the clients supply chain.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Ethnicity Problems in United States

Introduction The United States is a host to many varied cultures and is considered the world’s super power with developments that are envied all over the globe. The country’s democracy has undergone various changes over the years. It has also made several steps towards peace, and equity, among other principles of its foundation. However, this was not achieved in a day; in fact, it took several decades of civil wars and conflicts, among other problems to realize the American dream.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ethnicity Problems in United States specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The country boasts of varied culture that arises from immigration. Every year, it receives people from other countries as immigrants. This has improved its credibility in the world. Some of the ethnicities that live in the United States include, Native Americans, African Americans, Chicanos, Asian Americans, among others. T hese ethnicities did not find it easy settling in the country. They went through various obstacles such as discrimination, among others. This led to conflicts that spurred acts of atrocities. The strategies employed to fight against racial discrimination included political participation, armed resistance, legal system, and economic participation, among others. This paper will therefore explore each of these ethnicities, their most effective along with the least effective strategies employed in fighting against racial discrimination, as well as the evidence (Baugh 133-146). Native Americans These were indigenous people found in North America by the European colonialists. They lived in areas such as Alaska, Hawaii, among others parts. The community was composed of various tribes, ethnic groups and States. In most cases, these communities are referred to as Indians or American Indians. The largest of these tribes included Apache, Iroquois, Navajo, Sioux, Cherokee, among others. In the last 500 years, the community encountered discrimination and wars with European populations. These were mainly because they had encroached on their Native lands and also tried to displace them. In the process, most were killed; some assimilated, and others removed. In the 19th century, the communities were granted citizenship after several treaties and wars. During United States’ fight, for independence against British, Native Americans sided with the latter hoping that they would help them avoid land seizure. This later backfired as the British handed over their land to Europeans. They also sided with Southern States during the civil war. George Washington later helped in restoring them as citizens with rights to vote even though they were not given the opportunity to govern themselves (Colin 34). African American These are black Americans who were largely from the African continent during slavery. They were also known as American Negroes. It is quite important to note that this term is usually employed when refereeing to people with African ancestry (sub Saharan Africa). The majority of these communities were descendants of victims and survivors of slavery era.Advertising Looking for essay on ethnicity studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They faced several problems as they fought for freedom, these included slavery, racial segregation, reconstruction and civil rights movement, among others. This community forms the second largest racial community in United States, only second to Whites. They formed part of the American military conflicts during civil wars. In addition, the community has been active in politics ranging from Martin Luther to Rice and the country’s current president Obama, among others (Baugh 133-146). Chicanos These are United States citizens of Mexican descent. This term was used widely during Mexican movements and was aimed at fighting against racism in the 1960s. Th e community is said to have lived in the United States as early as 1848, even though they are sometimes considered as the latest of immigrants, to arrive. This is mainly because some of them crossed over and joined with indigenous American Mexicans. The war against mainstream whites between 1846 and1848 in New Mexico among other parts, left many casualties on Mexicans and attributed to their bitterness towards federal government. Their movement was also formed to help fight for affirmative action, immigration rights, globalization, among other issues (Toro 1). Asian Americans These are American citizens with origins from peoples of Asia. They were first referred to as Orientals and this displeased them as they considered it a colonialist term. In this regard, they adopted the term Asian Americans, as a way of identification. They benefited from elimination of the Hart-Celler Act, which had restricted them from moving into the United States. This development led to increased influx f rom Asia. Asian Americans are now estimated to have the highest attainment of education in United States. Moreover, they also form some of the best-paid employees in the country. Their fight against racial discrimination was also difficult as they fought against acts instituted to exclude them. These included among others, Asian as well as Chinese exclusion acts (History World International 1). Areas in which they have been most effective when fighting against racial discrimination These communities faced several challenges in their quest for equality and citizenship as well as acceptance in the American society by mainstream whites. This was achieved through many ways that included political participation, armed resistance, legal system, and economic participation, among others. Native Americans Native Americans fought for their rights to own ancestral land in the United States. However, this failed as they lost the battle to retain that land. In this regard, the most effective way of fighting against racial discrimination was through political participation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ethnicity Problems in United States specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More African Americans African Americans have had a long history of civil rights activists, conflicts as well as politics. In this regard, the most effective way of fighting against racial discrimination was through political participation. Chicanos The Chicanos fought to govern themselves but lost to the federal government. In this regard, the most effective way of fighting against racial discrimination was through political participation. Asian Americans Most Asian communities immigrated for jobs in the 19th century. This helped empower them economically. In this regard, the most effective way of fighting against racial discrimination was through economic participation. Areas in which they have been least effective when fighting against racial discrimination These communities used various means to fight against racial discrimination, some of which caused many casualties and was least effective. These were: Native Americans Native Americans had their own culture, which was anti-western. Therefore, in their quest for recognition, they fought against mainstream whites and lost. This was therefore the least effective method of fighting against racial discrimination. African Americans African American used several means to fight for freedom and racial discrimination. The least effective way of fighting against racial discrimination was through legal system. Chicanos Chicanos believed that they had the right to govern themselves; the least effective way of fighting against racial discrimination was through armed resistance.Advertising Looking for essay on ethnicity studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Asian Americans Asian Americans came as laborers at the coast. The least effective way of fighting against racial discrimination was through the legal system. Evidence Throughout the history of fight against racial discrimination, various occurrences ranging from conflicts to political participation proved to be either the least or most effective way of fighting racism. These were as follows: Native Americans These were the indigenous people found in North America by the European colonialists. They suffered from racial discrimination in the 1700s when slavery was a racial caste. This led to various wars in response to this, as they tried to protect their land and culture. Infightings also led to their downfall as some groups were assimilated. This proves why use of armed resistance was the least effective. On the other hand, their ways of governing was widely adopted by United States Presidents like Benjamin Franklin, among others. In addition, wider political participation allowed them to reduce racial discrimination through George Washington. Political participation was therefore the most effective (Colin 34). African Americans These black Americans were largely from the African continent during slavery. They faced several problems as they fought for freedom, these included slavery, racial segregation, reconstruction and civil rights movement, among others. Like Native Americans, the law was against freedom to African Americans who were racial castes. The least effective method was through legal system since their position as slaves was in law until reconstruction period and civil right s movements. The most effective way was through political participation, which has enabled them to improve in leadership (Baugh 133-146). Chicanos This community lived in the United States as early as 1848, even though they are sometimes considered as the latest immigrants. This is mainly because some of them crossed over and joined with indigenous American Mexicans. Their le ast effective method of fighting racism was through armed resistance as they were excluded and displaced from their land. This was also witnessed in Texas. On the other hand, their most effective method was through political participation in the Chicano movement that kept pushing for equality since 1960s (Toro 1). Asian Americans The Asian community benefited from the elimination of Hart-Celler Act, which had restricted immigrations from Asia. This led to more influx of Asians. Currently they are estimated to have the highest attainment of education in United States. Their attempts to mitigate racism through legal system were least effective as the acts defended Asian and Chinese exclusion (Wong 25). The most effective method of mitigating racial discrimination was through economic participation, which made them superior in education and pay (History World International 1). Conclusion United States is a home to various cultures of the world. This is due to influx of different commun ities, which started over 500 years ago. Among the communities that live in United States include, Native Americans, African Americans, Chicanos, Asian Americans, among others. These communities did not find it easy settling in the country. They went through various racial subjections in the hands of mainstream whites. This led to several conflicts that caused high numbers of casualties. The strategies employed in fighting against racial discrimination included political participation, armed resistance, legal system, and economic participation, among others. Most of these communities realized their dreams through political and economic participation, while those that opted for armed resistance lost in many occasions as was seen in Native Americans and Chicanos, as well as African Americans (Toro 1). Works Cited Baugh, John. â€Å"The Politicization of Changing Terms of Self Reference among American Slave Descendants†. American Speech. Vol. 66, No. 2, 1991, pp. 133-146. Colin, Calloway. â€Å"Native Americans First View Whites from the Shore†. American Heritage. Spring 2009. History World International. â€Å"ASIAN AMERICANS†. World History center. 19.07.2011. Web. Toro, Luis. â€Å"Chicanos as a Racialized Minority†. The University of Dayton School of Law. 31.12.2010. Web. Wong, Sau-ling. â€Å"Asian America.Net: Essays in Ethnicity.† Nationalism and Cyberspace. Routledge University Press. This essay on Ethnicity Problems in United States was written and submitted by user Maeve Hodge to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Free Essays on Automatic Dependence Survailenc

Introduction The beginning of the twentieth century brought about major changes in the world. One of these changes began at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina witht the Wright brother’s historic first flight. The rest of the century brought gigantic leaps in the aviation industry. Charles Lindberg’s solo Atlantic crossing showed the world the growth avation was capable of. By the end of the Second World War, the jet age had been born, and Radio Detection and Ranging (radar) was tracking aircraft as it crossed the sky. The Soviet Union’s launch of the Sputnik satellite brought humanity into the space age. As mankind passed through the 1960s, Neal Armstrong made his walk on the moon. From these fledgling first steps, aviation has moved to routine space flights, a constellation of manmade satellites currently circle the earth, and everyday thousands of people board non-stop international flights. Through the use of new satellite based technology, the safety and efficiency of av iation will continue to grow. Current Airspace Systems The United States current National Airspace System (NAS) is arranged around ground based equipment. Navigation is based systems such as Very High Frequency Omni directional Range (VOR), and Non-directional Beacons (NDB). Aircraft surveillance is maintained through the use of radar. Radar is broken down into two categories, primary and secondary. Primary radar is the signal that is returned as the radar waves bounce off an aircraft and is shown displayed on the controller’s screen. This is supplemented by secondary radar, which is a signal sent from the aircraft giving its current altitude. Both the navigational and surveillance systems currently in place rely in ground-based equipment and airborne receivers. These systems are costly to maintain, as the ground transmitters must continually be serviced. They are also susceptible to errors such as the slant range error and are limited to line ... Free Essays on Automatic Dependence Survailenc Free Essays on Automatic Dependence Survailenc Introduction The beginning of the twentieth century brought about major changes in the world. One of these changes began at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina witht the Wright brother’s historic first flight. The rest of the century brought gigantic leaps in the aviation industry. Charles Lindberg’s solo Atlantic crossing showed the world the growth avation was capable of. By the end of the Second World War, the jet age had been born, and Radio Detection and Ranging (radar) was tracking aircraft as it crossed the sky. The Soviet Union’s launch of the Sputnik satellite brought humanity into the space age. As mankind passed through the 1960s, Neal Armstrong made his walk on the moon. From these fledgling first steps, aviation has moved to routine space flights, a constellation of manmade satellites currently circle the earth, and everyday thousands of people board non-stop international flights. Through the use of new satellite based technology, the safety and efficiency of av iation will continue to grow. Current Airspace Systems The United States current National Airspace System (NAS) is arranged around ground based equipment. Navigation is based systems such as Very High Frequency Omni directional Range (VOR), and Non-directional Beacons (NDB). Aircraft surveillance is maintained through the use of radar. Radar is broken down into two categories, primary and secondary. Primary radar is the signal that is returned as the radar waves bounce off an aircraft and is shown displayed on the controller’s screen. This is supplemented by secondary radar, which is a signal sent from the aircraft giving its current altitude. Both the navigational and surveillance systems currently in place rely in ground-based equipment and airborne receivers. These systems are costly to maintain, as the ground transmitters must continually be serviced. They are also susceptible to errors such as the slant range error and are limited to line ...

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Mass Extinction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mass Extinction - Essay Example I think that this is the possible reason why Douglas Erwin said it is quite difficult to identify which is the real cause of the mass extinction in the past. There are these many factors that contribute; they are all giving different degrees of impact to the environment, which the scientists need to delve into each to know the actual influencing degree. The world population is growing exponentially but the land is so limited. Humans exploit virgin land, like the jungle and mountains. They cut down the jungle and make the mountains flat to make houses and farmland. The equivalence of the whole ecosystem is disturbed. Firstly the flora and fauna in the wild lost their habitat. They cannot even find food that they used to get. As a result, this leads to wildlife extinction. Loss of soil due to loss of plants also caused the river- and seabeds to become shallow. This is obvious with the increase of sea water level. The situation becomes worse when the pole's glacier starts melting due to greenhouse effect! Eventually, the increasingly warming atmosphere triggered the people's interest to study the global warming phenomena. This is how the greenhouse effect situation was discovered. It is estimated that about 15 to 37 per cent of the species will become extinct from now to 2050 if the climate keep on changing (Kirby, 2004). The causes of global warming were identified: excretion of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane, use of aerosol products and depletion of jungle land and ozone layer. Carbon dioxide and methane will trap heat in the atmosphere. They are the by products from the use of fuel energy. Meantime, depletion of jungle land reduces the number of green plants that can convert... The world population is growing exponentially but the land is so limited. Humans exploit the virgin land, like the jungle and mountains. They cut down the jungle and make the mountains flat to make houses and farmland. The equivalence of the whole ecosystem is disturbed. Firstly the flora and fauna in the wild lost their habitat. They cannot even find food that they used to get. As a result, this leads to wildlife extinction. Loss of soil due to loss of plants also caused the river- and seabeds to become shallow. This is obvious with the increase of sea water level. The situation becomes worse when the pole’s glacier starts melting due to greenhouse effect! Eventually, the increasingly warming atmosphere triggered the people’s interest to study the global warming phenomena. This is how the greenhouse effect situation was discovered. It is estimated that about 15 to 37 percent of the species will become extinct from now to 2050 if the climate keeps on changing. The causes of global warming were identified: excretion of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane, use of aerosol products and depletion of jungle land and the ozone layer. Carbon dioxide and methane will trap heat in the atmosphere. They are the by-products from the use of fuel energy. Meantime, depletion of jungle land reduces the number of green plants that can convert the carbon dioxide gases back to oxygen. The increase of methane gave the similar effect to the environment, methane plays an important role in the previous mass extinction.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Palm oil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Palm oil - Essay Example The UK is the wealthy nation which dominates the poor nation of Indonesia which has an abundance of cheap labour and land on which palm oil can be grown successfully. Instead of development, the production of palm oil in Indonesia takes place at a cost to the indigenous people and to the environment. The benefits derived from the production of palm oil also accrue mainly to the developed country at the expense of the relatively undeveloped Indonesia where land which should be preserved for the protection of the environment and biodiversity is being burnt in order to supply palm oil cheaply to Tesda’s supermarket chain and other company’s. Instead of development Indonesia is faced with displacement of its people and depletion of its resources. The soot from burning has affected the operations of the airline industry and will therefore have a negative effect on the economic development of the country. The preservation of the environment is important in the development of any country. The burning of the forests will have dire environmental consequences for the people of Indonesia. With the increasing and negative effects of climate change countries around the world are taking the necessary steps to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere while this is taken place in Indonesia. These events indicate that Tesda has not adopted a model for corporate social responsibility with all the negative events including corruption, lack of dialogue between groups affected by the production of palm oil and poor labour standards employed. These along with the death of persons who speak for their rights are unacceptable. The stakeholders that have legitimate claims on Tesda are the indigenous people of Indonesia whose lives have been negatively affected by plantations in which Tesda has a stake, the people who work on these plantations, suppliers to its processing plant in the Netherlands and

Monday, January 27, 2020

History of the Collapse of the Soviet Union

History of the Collapse of the Soviet Union How can one explain the disintegration and eventual collapse of the Soviet Union and its sphere of influence? The disintegration and collapse of the Soviet Union was the result of a complex combination of internal and external pressures which had been building for decades. Economic decline, strong currents of indigenous nationalism, corruption and the systematic deligitimization of the central authority and Communist ideology all contributed to an environment of internal pressure, doubt and cynicism. Externally, the Soviet Union’s foreign policy had led it into a tense and costly confrontation with the West, both socially and militarily. The combination of these internal and external pressures forced the Soviet Union into an untenable position, no longer able to maintain control through a sense of legitimacy and lacking the will to exact it through force. Many were surprised not only at the speed with which the USSR unraveled, but also at how quickly nationalist movements and organizations were able to move forward with popular support and structure in such a short amount of time. The pressures that had been building show the collapse of the Soviet Union to have been more akin to a dam breaking, releasing pent up pressure and momentum that had been merely held back. What made the disintegration and collapse of the Soviet Union so remarkable was not just the convergence of so many complex factors to necessitate its failure, but the means and manner in which its broken parts responded. It must be remembered that the Soviet Union was an empire. As Gerhard Simon Points out in Aussenpolitik, it was the first of its kind, held together by a party and a committment to ideology. As a result â€Å"The Soviet Union was not perceived in the context of the other empires which had fallen apart in Europe The USSR, on the other hand, ranked in the West as a ‘normal’ state The Soviet Union, however, was simply not a normal state.† (Simon, 2000) It was based upon the legitimacy of its party and its ideology. The systematic deterioration of this legitimacy served as one of the main factors in its disintegration and collapse. It was the weakening of the dam itself, so to speak. The actions of its satellite states represent the impulses of newly freed captives, not the heartless abandonment of their mother-state. The pressures against the dam, however, reach back into the early 20th century. Simon identifies the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 as an effective reassertion of the Russian empire following the First World War. Furthermore, he argues that it arrested the nationalistic movements taking shape among the recently freed peoples’ of post-imperial Russia. These nationalist movements, of major ethnic and cultural signficance for many, were not stamped out under the Soviet system of control and oppression. They were merely pushed underground. They spent the better part of the 20th century building momentum from within the Soviet system until the internal pressures, exerted in so many directions and ways, could no longer be contained. (Simon, 2000) This explains how quickly and eagerly the different sattelite states declared independence and moved toward Western models of government and economy. â€Å"The causes for the downfall are rooted, on the one hand, in the design errors of the Soviet system and, on the other hand, in the process of degeneration which had been undermining stability for decades.† (Simin, 2000) The currents of nationalism within the Soviet Union were intensified and gained strength as Stalin’s controls were gradually loosened and the legitimacy of the Communist Party began to suffer in public view as information began to flow more freely. Nationalist sentiment coincided with social events in the 50’s and 60’s where labororers from the Soviet Gulag returned home and began to talk with long-lost friends and relatives about what had happened to them. (Hosking, 1991) This began to affect public perceptions and attitudes for the first time. People of like mind began meeting privately in their homes to talk and listen to Western radio. Eventually, the dissemination of unofficial literature, known as Samizdat, began. A culture of covert associations and hidden groups emerged. They began to grow covertly in response to the systematic persecution of intellectuals and dissidents. These groups and associations eventually began operating openly in the late 80â€⠄¢s, only to add to the tremendously diverse pressures pulling at the Soviet Union. (Hosking, 1991) As nationalist sentiments began to gain strength from such a ‘social awakening’, they quickly learned that their energies were best spent organizing within the Soviet system. Different national movements had gained strength and led to uprisings in Hungaria in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968. The Soviets put them down quickly and brutally. (Fowkes, 1993) â€Å"[The] party leadership had no qualms about forcibly helping their ideological presumptions become reality† (Simon, 2000) Combined with the ‘social awakening’, and the currents of nationalism running through the USSR, was the systematic deligitimisation of its sytem. â€Å"During the 1950’s the Soviet middle class became increasingly optimistic about the performance of the Soviet system and about its own prospects for material betterment In the 1970’s it has given way to pessimism. The rise and decline of middle-class optimism can be linked in part to political developments, but the crucial determinant has been the changing perception of Soviet economic performance.† (Dallin Laepidus, 1995) Ruled by ideology, the failure to meet economic goals and expectations constituted a signigicant crisis of confidence for many and a serious blow to the legitimacy of collectivist economic philoophy. The political developments that contributed to the deterioration of Soviet legitimacy had to do with a dissonance between ideology and practice. The conflicts of Krushchev’s ‘de-Stalinisation’ gave way to political rifts which exposed key divisions in government. This dis-unity was damaging to public confidence and to Soviet political legitimacy. It became a habit for the new Soviet leader to deal with his problems by casting blame and criticism upon his predecessor. â€Å"All successors have dissociated themselves along similar lines from their respective predecessors, declared them to be unpersons, and thus contributed considerably to the delegitimation of the Soviet system.† (Simon, 2000) The establishment of this practice had an extremely detrimental effect upon the public perception, resulting in a more entrenched cynicism toward politics in general and political leadership. Furthermore, this cynicism became even more deeply rooted in the social and political culture as Brezhnev’s Soviet Union saw the spread of corruption invade almost every corner of Soviet life. â€Å"The Soviet Union is infected from top to bottom with corruption – from the worker who gives the storeman a bottle of vodka to get the best job, to the politburo candidate Mzhavanadze who takes hundreds of thousands of rubles for protecting underground millionaires; from the street prostitute, who pays the policeman ten rubles so that he won’t prevent her from soliciting clients, to the former member of the Politburo Ekaterina Furtseva, who built a luxurious suburban villa at the government’s expense – each and everyone is afflicted with corruption.† (Dallin Laepidus, 1995) The lack of legitimacy by itself was not enough to dissolve the Soviet Union, as no single issue probably could have been, but it was enough to make everyone look to themselves. Public cynicism combined with deep graft and corruption at all levels made for a political system held together simply by control. Within this system the communal ideal was effectively dead. Everyone looked to cut corners, everyone looked for a bigger piece of a zero-sum pie. The Soviet Union saw the development of competing interests within itself rooted in a system of corruption. Combined with the currents of nationalism, who were cut short in their bid for self-determination, and the social underground harboring forbidden ideas and conversations and publications, this in-fighting proved to be the final element of a political picture which had lost its fundamental integrity. From a foreign policy point of view, this is also when the Soviet Union came to be known as the ‘Evil Empire’. With the gradual relaxation of Stalin’s controls came an increased flow of uncontrolled information between the Soviet Union and the West. The turning of international sentiment against the Soviet Union in the late 70’s and early 80’s, as the truths of their social and political system made their way into the international mainstream, only served to heighten the moral legitimacy of the West in confronting Soviet Ambitions abroad. Before that, the American political spectrum remained solidly divided over how best to engage the USSR. After the moral clarity issued by the facts of such an indictment, the West was far less sympathetic and much more aggressive in applying all the external pressure it could. The socialist/communist intelligentsia in the West lost credibility and standing, while the political mainstream in both America and Europe b oth saw thwarting Soviet ambitions as a strategic, and more importantly, a moral imperative. With a moral mandate to challenge Soviet interests across the globe, the Americans committed fully to maintaining their military and technological advantage, and dealt with little opposition from within their own political system. At the height of the arms race, it is estimated that the Soviet Union allocated anywhere from â€Å"at least 15 percent† (Dallin Laepidus, 1995) to 25 percent (Simon, 2000) of their budget to defense spending. This represented huge external pressure to an already struggling Soviet economy beign outperformed by its Western counterparts. The economic difficulties of the Soviet system were masked initially as steady growth in the 1950’s led to a sense of optimism. From that point onward, Soviet growth continued to decline. â€Å"One reason was that earlier on, inputs-capital, labor, energy-had been ample and cheap. By the 1970’s this was no longer so† (Dallin Laepidus, 1995) Furthermore, Dallin and Laepidus note that â€Å"productivity was low, and the system failed to provide adequate incentives for harder work of for technological innovation.† So in addition to the economic circumstances of declining growth, the Soviet system had no way of increasing the productivity of its workers or the creativity of its technology industry. â€Å"Above all, the motivating effect of the market, competition and profit could not be replaced by any system of allocation and control, regardless of how sophisticated it may have been. Initiative, creativity and the striving for profit maximisation drifted in to the shadow economy and corruption after the disciplining and deterrent effects of Stalinist terror had ceased to be effective.† (Simon, 2000) And so while the economy declined, the quality of goods and services continued to decline as well. (Notice the conspicuous absence of hsitorical market demand for Soviet goods) The Soviet system had killed off or driven away the very tools it needed to recover. Or from the point of view of Hillel Ticktin, who famously predicted the failure of perestroika and accurately described the long denied economic realities of the then-current Soviet system, they had put themselves in a position (according to Communist ideology) where they needed to â€Å"defeat the working class† and return them to the conditions under which they had been exploited before. (Ticktin, 1992) It is a cruel irony, indeed, that the very pronouncements of the ideology that sustained their political order walked hand in hand with their economic doom. In the late 80’s the sum of all the factors discussed here proved too great. The nationalist movements the Bolshevik revolution had arrested in mid-development were driven underground but ultimately endured within the Soviet system, waiting to release a momentum held back by years of Soviet control. These sentiments found friendly ears in the social underground that developed as information began to flow more freely after the gradual relaxation of Stalin’s controls. This underground only continued to grow as the oppressed and free-thinking individuals of the Soviet Union continually sought refuge in association with one another. These two elements only reinforced the sense of lost legitimacy following the economic setbacks of the mid-20th century and the political divisions that showed the first cracks in the Soviet political system. The the general sense of a loss of legitimacy was a critical blow that aided the widespread proliferation of a deep and contagious corrupt ion which came to partially define and become engrained in the culture. This corruption struck at the heart of all the mechanisms the Soviet Union needed to right itself, but it was at the same time a consequence of the system itself. They had, in the course of their committment to their ideology, abandoned the necesssary tools to successfully recover and advance their economy. The social forces of discontent, the nationalist sentiments and social underground, combined with economic factors to present significant internal difficulties. And as Soviet foreign policy demanded a share of defense spending four times larger than that of the United States (as a percentage of GNP), external pressures combined with internal pressures to literally put the Soviet system in a pressure cooker. By the time Gorbechev’s came through with perestroika, the myriad social and political interests at odds with one another, combined with the deep cynicism and scorn for the Soviet system rooted in the social underground, proved too much. There was no social consensus or any real momentum for support. â€Å"The political and social contiguity of the Soviet political system had been broken long ago. â€Å"For the first time since the revolution of 1917, society, rather than the state, was driving the process of change in Soviet life. But that society was increasingly fragmented, fractious, and polarized, pitting radical democrats against die-hard communists and nationalists of all kinds against Soviet patriots. In this setting Gorbachev found himself reacting to multiple and conflicting pressures in an effort, growing ever more desperate, to hold the country together.† (Strayer, 1998) The final years of the Soviet system were spent with the political leadership desperately trying to hold it together. But it could never survive the collapse of its political order because it was under the very pretext of that political order that the Soviet Union came to power. â€Å"[The] Communist party had reconstituted the empire and developed the instruments of rule, which meant that, following the party’s loss of power, there was no other force to hold the empire together.† (Simin, 2000) Meanwhile, the political alternatives that had been developing and taking shape within the Soviet system itself, the national movements which never came to fruition, provided the impetus to break free from the Soviet system. As new declarations of independence were proclaimed, one after the other, â€Å"the consequence of decades of pent-up energy† (Simon, 2000) ensured that the strugle for nationhood which began after the fall of the first Russian Empire, would continue a fter the second. Bibliography Dallin, A., (1992) â€Å"Causes of the Collapse of the USSR†, Post-Soviet Affairs. Vol. 8, No. 4 Dallin, A., Lapidus, G., (1994), The Soviet System From Crisis to Collapse Westview Press:Cambridge, MA Glenny, M., (1990) The Rebirth of History Penguin:London Fowkes, B., (1993) The Rise and Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. MacMillan: Chicago Hosking, G., (1991) The Awakening of the Soviet Union. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA Hosking, G., Et Al., (1992) The Road to Post Communism: independent political movements in the USSR, 1985-91, London/New York Kotz,D., Weir, F., (1997) Revolution from Above. The Demise of the Soviet System. Routledge:New York Miliband, R., Panitch, L., (1991) â€Å"Communist Regimes. The Aftermath† Socialist Register Simon, G., (2000) The End of the Soviet Union: Causes and Relational Contexts Aussenpolitik German Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 47, No.1 Strayer,R., (1998) Why did the Soviet Union Collapse? M.E Sharpe: Armonk, NY Ticktin, H., (1992) Origins of the Crisis in the USSR. M.E. Sharpe Ltd.:New York